Thank you all for attending the event and supporting our efforts to tackle long-COVID. Hopefully all the stars align and we can see you all next year!
In March 2020, researchers in Bristol spotted the opportunity to track our patients who tested positive for COVID-19 with mild to serious symptoms. They have found that 74% of patients who have taken part in our DISCOVER study reported ongoing symptoms related to COVID-19 including breathlessness, fatigue and muscle aches.
Emma Samms, aka Fallon Carrington Colby, has suffered from Long-COVID since March 2020. Please watch this short video of when she visited Long-COVID researcher Dr David Arnold earlier this year:
Currently very little is known about Long-COVID, worldwide, and its long-lasting symptoms. It’s imperative we act now.
Here in Bristol (UK), we are in a very unique position to make a significant international impact. Led by North Bristol NHS Trust, we are working in partnership with University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, and the University of Bristol to carry out ground-breaking, global research.

Thank you!
None of this would have been possible without the help of:
Simon McCoy
Cate Everitt
Louise Pearson, LP Communications
Linda Rohe
Shylie Gosney
Lisa Pierozzi
Jimmie Whitt
Scott Mills
Ross Gustafson
Megan Johnson
Joe Carsella
Katie Jarvis
Thornton MacCallum
Leanne Gould
Tom Wakefield, Cotswold TV
Ben Samuelson
Andrew Scott
Bianca Maguire Nicholas
Brad Cafarelli
Ann Pearson
Cameron Holloway
Micha Holloway