January 16, 2014
Kevin O’Shea
The John Chapman campaign released the text of his announcement speech, which will be delivered tonight at the Cape Codder in Hyannis at 6:00 PM. John is running to represent the Ninth Congressional district in Congress.
Thank you Scott, and thank you all for being here. Scott, I am honored to have your endorsement. Just about four years ago to the day, Scott Brown was elected as our United States Senator. I am proud to count myself as one of the many volunteers who worked
tirelessly to get you elected. Scott went to Washington as an underdog to take on the liberal establishment and Obamacare. He represented everyone and worked across the aisle. He represented the people and offered a fresh
perspective. The environment then and today is really not all that different – we need to elect representatives who will make Washington work for us and move this country forward. Let’s let history repeat itself and get
Republicans elected to office in Massachusetts.
Let me also take a moment to thank, and introduce you all, to my main support system, my wife, Diane and my son, Alec. Also, two of my brothers are here tonight, Drew and Richard. Thank you for all the support.
I could not do it without you.
I am the youngest of seven children. My father was a decorated WWII veteran who taught me love of country and that America was the greatest country on the face of the earth. He also was the person who introduced
me to Cape Cod where my family has created generations of memories. He had a medical office just down the street from here on Lewis Bay Road. I grew up spending every summer of my life in Chatham. Diane and I were married
there and have owned a home there for 14 years. Our roots run deep, in fact, my older brother Bill was a Chatham police officer and a commercial fisherman in town. Just so you know, Bill is not shy about sharing his opinions
with me, particularly about how Washington regulations and bureaucracy are hurting our fishing community.
I am not a politician. I have never before sought or held elected office. I’ve worked in the private sector, in government and in the non-profit area and I know we can be far more effective. My first job out of
college was at the White House working as a young aide for the person I consider my political mentor, Ronald Reagan. President Reagan was a man of character and integrity, and he was committed to the Republican principles
we all admire. From there, I went on to serve as an enforcement attorney at the SEC where I led investigations into financial corruption and excess. While in state government, I led a reform effort as an agency commissioner
to streamline and make more efficient the process of protecting injured workers. And, I am proud to say that I served as the General Counsel at Joslin Diabetes Center, one of the most respected non-profits in the world
and an affiliate of Harvard Medical School. I know how to get things done and have proven experience with that at each job I held.
I'm running for Congress because our elected representatives in Washington no longer listen to the people or act in their best interest. A good example of this is our current congressman, Bill Keating. He has defended
Obamacare through all its failures. Let’s not forget: Massachusetts had already provided all our citizens with insurance. All we got from Obamacare was higher taxes, cancelled policies and a website that doesn’t work.
Obamacare is the poster child for everything that's wrong with the federal government, from the way it was passed on an entirely partisan basis, to the broken promises about keeping your healthcare plan if you
like it, to higher taxes on individuals and businesses, including the medical device industry, which is an important growth sector of the Massachusetts economy.
I believe we can do better.
Reform of the healthcare system should happen at the state level, where local policymakers can devise solutions that work for them, as we did in Massachusetts.
There is so much more we can and should be doing on a whole number of fronts.
The dialogue in Congress needs to shift from the constant partisan bickering to what can be done to create an environment that will encourage job creation and growth. Jobs have to be the number one priority. The
Massachusetts unemployment rate is higher than the national average. People are growing so discouraged that many of them are no longer counted in those employment numbers because they’ve simply given up.
That is unacceptable to me, and I won’t rest until everyone in Massachusetts who wants a job has one.
Beyond our borders, I’m concerned with our diminishing influence around the world. Radical jihadists want to cause the collapse of our country. They bombed the Boston Marathon, and they won’t stop there. Government
has no higher duty than to keep us safe. We need to maintain America's leadership position in the world through a strong military. As Ronald Reagan once said, "Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the
U.S. was too strong." Like Ronald Reagan, I refuse to accept a decline in America's power and prestige.
Out of control spending and debt are burdening all Americans and future generations. This is a true financial emergency. In light of this spending crisis, we need to look at reforms throughout the federal bureaucracy
to deliver services more efficiently and reduce the cost of government.
We need to strengthen our immigration system so that more people can come here legally. At the same time, we must say no to illegal immigration which is unfair to the millions of foreigners who are playing by the
rules and waiting patiently in line to come into this country legally.
In our schools, we need to increase accountability, close the achievement gap and give parents more choices. We need to take educational control away from the teacher’s unions and put it back in the hands of families
and local communities. We should encourage the expansion of school choice through more charter schools. And we should reward our very best teachers with bonus pay. It is time to send someone to Washington who will look
out for the common interests of students, parents and our most talented teachers.
Finally, let me mention what I think should be obvious to everyone. I believe a healthy two-party balance is necessary for government to work effectively. The current one-party monopoly in Massachusetts is bad
for democracy and leads to bad decision-making. All six constitutional office holders, both US Senators and our entire congressional delegation are from the same party. This leads to poor policy, one-sided decision making
and no sense of accountability to the people who elected each and every one of them. If any one of them had a moment of candor, I imagine even they would agree that one party rule is a bad thing. Sometimes I imagine our
congressional delegation almost like a scene out of the show “Walking Dead” –marching like zombies in lockstep to cast votes for the Nancy Pelosi agenda.
We deserve better of our government. We need a whole new approach, a whole new way of thinking, and that is only going to happen if we send new people to Washington.
Republicans can and should win in this district. The agenda I will pursue is not a special interest agenda. I won’t take orders from the party bosses or the Washington insiders. My only concern will be the people
of the Ninth Congressional District.
Thank you everyone for your support and for being here tonight.
I am excited about this race. I promise you that you won’t have to wait two years between elections to know what I have been doing for you in Washington. I will work hard for you, every day. Let’s go win this!
We can do it!
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